The result is a definitive work of impressive breadth that will be of great interest to researchers and students alike.’ The second edition brings the subject up-to-date with discussions on satellite observations of surface strain and planetary morphology, thermal cooling models for the lithosphere, and chemical mantle dynamics. ‘… the long awaited revision of Don Turcotte and Jerry Schubert’s classic book on the fundamental physical processes that underlie geological phenomena.

The authors attribute this high degree of conservation to the fact that the book ‘deals with fundamental physical processes that do not change’ however, I consider it to be a consequence of their impeccable choice of topics.’ The exquisite clarity of exposition and the perfectly balanced level of mathematical and physical sophistication are maintained in this second edition, which differs by about ten percent from the original. ‘It is immensely gratifying that Turcotte and Schubert have prepared this update of their classic textbook, which has been required reading for solid-earth graduate students here at Princeton for the past two decades. This new edition will once again prove to be a classic textbook for intermediate to advanced undergraduates and graduate students in geology, geophysics, and earth science. Observations such as the earth's gravity field, surface heat flow, distribution of earthquakes, surface stresses and strains, and distribution of elements are discussed. Geodynamics provides the fundamentals necessary for an understanding of the workings of the solid earth, describing the mechanics of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building in the context of the role of mantle convection and plate tectonics. Important additions include a chapter on chemical geodynamics, an updated coverage of comparative planetology based on recent planetary missions, and a variety of other new topics. In this second edition, the authors bring this text completely up-to-date.

First published in 1982, Don Turcotte and Jerry Schubert's Geodynamics became a classic textbook for several generations of students of geophysics and geology.